Family Service Hours
The success of the CET season depends on the participation of every CET family. Each family has a requirement of 15 (1 CET child) or 20 (2 or more CET children) Family Service Hours.
Choosing to chair a committee is a big commitment and fulfills all Family Service Hours.
Any number of adults may help fulfill hours for a family. That’s right; grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and even close family friends may participate. As long as they are 16 or over, and have an approved background check, they can work the hours.
Background Check Forms
Background check forms are required for every person who will be fulfilling Family Service Hours this summer. All background check forms will be due by Taking Care of Business on May 17. Fill out the Background Check Form here. CET is required to complete its own background checks, separate from the school district, and they are good for three (3) years.
Which committee is the best fit for me?
HERE is a full list of committee descriptions to peruse and find the one that speaks to you most. Some things to consider when making your committee selections are when you have time to serve (daytime, evenings, weekends) and what your other responsibilities are (work, carpool, caring for children).
We also want you to have fun. Let us know if you have a skill you enjoy, like sewing, make-up/hair, or working with tools. Some committees do require special skills, and some have very concentrated hours. Understand the commitment you are making when signing your child up for CET.
How do the sign ups work?
You will indicate your top 3 selections when filling out the registration form for your student(s).
Please provide good contact information. Communication is key. Most committees organize and communicate through email or text. Make sure you provide the email address you use every day. If you don’t check your email every day, we can coordinate by phone and text, but it helps to know in advance when we need to do that. If you choose this method, provide your phone number.
If you change your email or phone number between the time you register and the time the program begins in June, be sure to update the office, your committee chair, and the Family Service Coordinator.
Why should I do Family Service Hours?
The lights go on with the contribution of every CET family. It is a great way to be a part of your children’s program, not just supporting them and encouraging them, but actually creating something with your child. It’s awesome to be able to say, “I made that costume,” “I built that set,” or “I did that make up!” However, we do understand with jobs, and other children, and the craziness that is life, that that is just not possible for everyone.
Buy Out
If you are not able to complete your Family Service Hours, you are welcome to pay a fee rather than serve your hours. The buy out fee is $375 for one child and $500 for two or more children. We are counting on your hours for our season to be successful, so any switches from Family Service Hours to Buy Out must be made by May 1. After the deadline, all unfulfilled hours are charged $50 per hour.
Family Service Hours Assistance
If completing the Family Service Hours or paying the Buy Out fee are barriers for your family to participate, please email our Tuition Assistance Coordinator at
Questions? Email the Office Manager, Clara, at We’re here to help!