

What you need to know before registering

Please read each of the following pages carefully before deciding to commit to CET.

 Register now! 

Step 1: Fill out the registration form

Step 2: Pay the $100 non-refundable deposit through Zeffy or by check (PO Box 3693 Salem, Oregon 97302).

Step 3: Have any adults who will be completing Family Service Hours fill out a background check.

Step 4: Fill out the Pre-Arranged Absence form to get any known absences approved.

You will receive a confirmation email within a week once your deposit has been paid and your registration form has been reviewed by the executive director for final approval. 

We can’t wait to see you this summer! 

Age requirements

Enrollment in our performance arts program is open to:
Students who are entering 4th through 12th grade

Enrollment in our technical arts program is open to:
Students who are entering 6th through 12th grade

*Students enrolled who have completed 9th grade or higher can earn ½ high school credit by participating in CET



  • Midsummers – all 4th and 5th graders. These students perform in the Midsummer Show.
  • Mainstage Players – Performance program grades 6th-9th. These students perform in the Library Show, Traveling Show, or Musical.
  • Tech Wizards – all technical arts students. These students are assigned technical arts roles on specific performances (such as running the lighting or the sound board).
  • Level 7 – Performance program grades 10th-12th. 

Hear from Director Robert Salberg about what to expect from the registration process in this video from 2022!

What is CET?

CET is an immersive experience, an inclusive and dynamic five-week program where anyone can step outside a traditional school construct and interact with positivity and collaboration. “This program is not about turning someone into an actor,” said founder Phyllis Quanbeck. “It’s about helping kids to find their own talent and about cultivating creative, innovative team players.” Students involved in CET have the exciting opportunity to participate in three classes everyday, which may include acting, music, dance, technical theatre, stage combat, improvisation, and more. 2023 course descriptions can be found here if you’d like an idea of what we offer. Students enrolled in our performance program are cast in one of our productions – everyone gets a role! Students enrolled in our technical arts program work behind the scenes to make the productions happen. This includes working on lighting, stage management, prop making, and more. CET’s success is based on everyone’s commitment to the program.

Questions? Email the Office Manager, Clara, at We’re here to help!